Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Prof Andrew Dawson

Andrew Dawson is a Clinical Professor in Addiction Medicine at the University of Sydney. He is senior staff specialist in clinical toxicology and Clinical Director of the NSW Poisons Information Centre. He is best known internationally for being a co-founder of the Hunter Area Toxicology Service and SACTRC collaboration, a centre of clinical toxicology research excellence in Sri Lanka with a focus on agrochemical poisoning and snakebite.

Human toxicology is strongly driven its societal context and encompasses acute medicine and chemical poisoning, chronic environmental and occupational exposures, adverse drug reactions, and envenomation. These are a major disease burden that disproportionally affects those in developing countries. Andrew’s broad research strategy is to use a range of applied research methods to tackle these problems from a variety of perspectives with a diverse team and collaborators. Using this multi-disciplinary approach has yielded improved health outcomes with translatable outcomes ranging from changed national policies to new diagnostic tests and treatment strategies.